How Rich was John D. Rockefeller?

John D. Rockefeller

In the list of the wealthiest people throughout history, the name “John D. Rockefeller” would always appear in the top rankings. Most of those lists are entirely factual, as there was one point in history that John D. Rockefeller was the richest man on the planet. If you have never heard of … Read more

Just How Rich is the Walton Family?

Walmart website

There are a handful of rich families all over the United States, but none is as rich as the Walton Family. Although the Walton’s are primarily known for founding and managing the largest company by revenue in the world, Walmart, several members of the family have started to branch out to other … Read more

Richest People in Early American History

Andrew Carnegie

One of the greatest things about the American dream is that literally anyone has a chance at being king. However, there are no guarantees or probabilities, but as long as you’re alive and kicking, you’ve got a chance . Take a look at these people who decided to take advantage of some … Read more

Crazy Doomsday Bunkers

They are some people who are called preppers. They are the ones who are paranoid because they believe a catastrophic event, such as the end of the world, can occur anytime, therefore, they make preparations for it such as stocking foods, ammunition, and other things. Rich and elite preppers, on the other … Read more

Things Rich People Do That Most of Us Don’t

Things Rich People Do That Most of Us Don't

Not all wealthy people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, although life would be so much easier that way. Many of the famously rich are self-made millionaires and billionaires – thanks to their incredible willpower, self-discipline, and determination. They are living testimonies that you may be born poor, but … Read more

Celebrities Who Insured Their Body Parts

Celebrities Who Insured Their Body Parts

Insurance gives financial rescue in the event of a disaster. For celebrities, it’s a trend for some to insure their body parts, since these can make or break their career. Many have ensured their legs, butts, and breasts, but some have reportedly insured odd body parts like their tongue, for varying high … Read more

Biggest Gambling Wins of All Time

Biggest Gambling Wins of All Time

People gamble with a dream of earning a huge pay-out of their lifetime. But it rarely comes true for many gamblers. You cannot trust that your hard-earned money would pay well in the slot machines and casino dealers, but the slight possibility of becoming instantly rich continues to lure people of all … Read more

Wealthy Fathers and Their Poor Kids

The Wealthy Elites Who Will Not Leave Their Children Rich When They Die

It seems more and more wealthy celebrities and business people won’t be willing to leave huge sums of their own hard-earned fortune to their children when they’re gone. They want to teach their children valuable lessons — that money and wealth don’t fall from the tree, and that the capability of working … Read more